Blog articles

Testing for sterility: background, performance and verification (method suitability test)

Written by Dr. Janet Thode Posted in Method validation

In today's blog article, we’d like to take a look at sterility testing and its verification. As this is a compendial method, we should talk about verification instead of validation in this context, even though unfortunately we often still read about validation of this method. To stick with the wording, in the pharmacopoeias this is referred to as method suitability test (MST), which in my opinion fits very well 😉 

Internal quality control, method monitoring and quality control charts

Written by Dr. Janet Thode Posted in Think out of the box

Internal quality control (QC) – what’s that? You routinely perform laboratory analyses, but do you know whether your method also generates permanently reliable results? Yes of course, the method was validated once a long time ago, but since then...? Can you make a statement about the stability of the method? If such questions don't sound entirely unfamiliar, we’d like to introduce a tool today that precisely addresses this issue.


The validation report - content, structure and design tips

Written by Dr. Janet Thode Posted in Method validation

Having already written a blog article about the method validation plan and its contents some time ago and also created corresponding templates, today we’d like to address the question of what the method validation report (to be prepared after execution of the validation experiments) deals with, how it could be structured, and, above all, what makes a good report.

Linearity tests

Written by Dr. Janet Thode Posted in Method validation

Many analytical methods require calibration to determine the linear range. Linearity tests can be used to check whether the determined calibration function is actually linear.

Depending on the scope / “business area”, checking the linearity using linearity tests is also required for method validations or could at least be useful. In an earlier article, we looked at the relative response in this context.

In the meantime, however, I came across other linearity tests and we will have a look at these in today's article.