Review of the book "Endotoxins and pyrogens"
Review of the book "Laborstatistik für technische Assistenten und Studierende " (Laboratory statistics for technical assistants and students)
Review of the book "Qualitätskontrolle von Impfstoffen” (Quality control of vaccines)
Review of the book "Trending in der pharmazeutischen Industrie" (Trending in the pharmaceutical industry)
Review of the book “Analytische Qualitätskontrolle und pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie” (Analytical Quality Control and Pharmaceutical Microbiology)
Review of the book “Arzneimittel-Entwicklung und Zulassung” (drug development and market authorization)
Review of the book “Die Pharmaindustrie” (the pharmaceutical industry)
Review of the book “The other end of the microscope”
Review of the book “Validierung bioanalytischer Methoden" (Validation of bioanalytical methods)
Review of the book “Validierung in der Analytik” (Validation in analytics)
Review of the book „Arzneibuchanalytik“ (compendial analytics)
Review of the book „Arzneiformenlehre“ (lessons of drug dosage forms)
Review of the book „What's so funny about Microbiology?“